I Heard You Wanted to Know if You Qualify for an Emotional Support Animal?

You are in the right place!
100% Free Instant Qualification Screening
We help people get the proper documentation to make their pet an official Emotional Support Animal.
Our Simple Process

Complete the FREE Online Assessment
The questionnaire takes 5 minutes to complete, and you will see if you qualify!

Select the Letter
that You Need
Select if you need a travel letter, a housing letter, or both!

Get Contacted by one of our Therapists
You will have a chat with one of our licensed therapists about the details of your letter and why you need it.

Get your letter!
Get your letter shipped to you within 48 hours with our expedited options!
ESA Letter for Your Emotional Support Animal
One in four Americans suffer from an emotional or mental disability—this staggering number doesn’t have to mean that one in four Americans actively suffer.
Researchers are just now beginning to understand the full benefits of animal therapy, and ESA Certificate has made it their mission to help provide more information, more connection, and more certifications to enable this growth.
Through access to in-person consults with licensed mental health professionals, the proliferation of information, and a guiding light through the process, ESA Certificate.org utilizes technology to help connect clients with licensed mental health professionals who can authorize an ESA letter.
Because ESA Certificate.org is not a medical clinic or a healthcare provider, our mission is simply to help millions of Americans connect with the right professionals, receive the right information, and receive access to the support they deserve.

Most Common Pets For Emotional Support

Emotional Support Dog
Dogs are wonderful pets and great companions for humans. They are among the most common Animals for Emotional Support. People consider dogs to be man’s best friends. An Emotional Support Dog can bring quite a bit of joy and happiness into a person’s life. They have qualities that make them great helpers. This is why most people choose them as an Emotional Support Dog.
They have proven to be useful in treating many mental illnesses. Such illnesses can be depression, stress, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Getting an Emotional Support Dog is pretty easy. And you won’t need to train an Emotional Support Dog. All you’ll have to do is potty train him. But you don’t officially need to train your pet to make it a legal Emotional Support Animal.
At esacertificate.org, you can easily get your Emotional Support Animal Letter electronically. And once you do, you can access all the benefits that come with it.
Emotional Support Cat
Cats are some of the most interesting animals. They can sleep the sleepless night. They are capable of ignoring any human at will. But they are always there when a person may need them. This makes cats great emotional support animals.
When you are sad and lonely or feeling down, cats can bring a smile to your face. And it’s not that hard thanks to their beautiful feline eyes.
Cats are great helpers for humans. They can help with some psychological ailments. If your cat helps you cope with a mental condition, you can get an Emotional Support Animal Letter for her. You can live and fly with her without any hassle. They can make your life less complicated and more meaningful.
Order your ESA letter at esacertificate.org and get access to all the benefits that come with it.

Getting an ESA Qualification has never been easier!
What Purpose does an ESA Letter Serve?
The main purpose of ESA letters is to make the life of people who have emotional support animals (ESAs) a little easier.
Here’s How ESA’s can Help
- Rest and sleep easy
- Increased confidence
- Enhanced self-esteem
- Increase in comfort levels
- Improvement in overall wellbeing
We, at ESA Certificate, understand the role that ESAs play in making the lives of many people more manageable. Our aim is to ensure that they get to live and fly with their ESAs in an easy way.
Get Your ESA Letter in Less than 48 Hours
You’re on your way to receive an ESA letter for your animal companion from a licensed healthcare professional. You will receive your ESA letter within 48 hours of completing the form and speaking with a healthcare professional, all from the comfort of your home. You don’t even have to visit a doctor’s or therapist’s office.
ESA Certificate.org gives you a quick and easy way to complete the entire process online, so let’s get started.

From our blog
10 Amazing Facts about Cuban Dogs That You’ll Love to Read
How to Certify an Emotional Support Dog
Which dogs are worst for Emotional Support Animals
How to build a friendly bond between children and a dog
The Best Dog Breeds for Emotional Support
How to obtain a Psychiatric Service Dog Letter?
How can you turn your ESA into a Psychiatric Service Dog?
How does a Psychiatric Service Dog Letter look like?
How to retrain an Emotional Support Dog?
How can I be able to qualify for an Emotional Support Dog Letter?
The benefits of the cat as an Emotional Support Animal
The most common myths about service dogs
How Emotional Support Dogs help people with panic attacks
How to get an Emotional Support Dog certified?
Cats as Emotional Support Animals
Difference between Emotional Support Animals, Service Dogs, and Therapy Dogs
The main benefits of an Emotional Support Dog for anxiety
Best Emotional Support Dog Breeds for Depression
How a service dog helps children with autism
What is the best food for dogs having skin allergies?
The Best Cat Breeds for Emotional Support
Emotional Support Dog or Emotional Support Cat
Can Fexofenadine be given to dogs suffering from allergies?
Qualifying mental illnesses for obtaining a Psychiatric Service Dog
Most Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a difference between an Emotional Support Cat and an Emotional Support Dog?
ESA letters can be written for all types of animals if someone is qualified to do so. Emotional Support Dogs are more common. However, many cat owners also have emotional conditions that make them qualified for an ESA letter as well.
My dog is very large. Do Emotional Support Animals have size restrictions?
No. When it comes to Service Dogs and ESAs, there is no discrimination based on size. ESAs come in all shapes and sizes, and airlines are required to allow an ESA dog to accompany you to your seat, regardless of size. It is important to note that there is no size restriction for service dogs.
How much does it cost to train an Emotional Support Dog?
No matter how much it costs to train any dog in your area, Emotional Support Dogs have no special training other than to behave themselves.
What type of animals are allowed to fly in the cabin as Emotional Support Animals?
Airlines are required to accommodate ESAs that are dogs, cats or even miniature horses. Under the DOT’s guidelines, airlines are allowed to reject “unusual” animals, which include snakes, other reptiles, rodents, spiders and ferrets.
What are the basic requirements for Emotional Support Dogs?
Emotional Support Dogs do not have any requirements. They do not need any lengthy training for a particular task. However, they do need to be fairly disciplined, clean, and vaccinated.
Are there differences between an Emotional Support Dog and a Service Dog?
Yes, there are some major differences. Service animals are trained to perform certain specific functions. They are given access to any location with their owner. An Emotional Support Dog does not need to be trained for a specific task. It is likely that ESAs will not be allowed into some places. However, most places will allow ESAs to travel with their respective owner.
Which animals can become Emotional Support Animals?
The most common Emotional Support Animals are dogs and cats. However, people may use a wide variety of animals to serve as their ESA. Under federal Fair Housing rules, an ESA can be a dog, cat, small bird, rabbit, hamster, gerbil, other rodents, fish, turtle, or other small, domesticated animal that is traditionally kept in the home for pleasure rather than for commercial purposes. Airlines are required to accommodate dogs, cats, and miniature horses, and can deny boarding for “unusual” animals such as ferrets, rodents, spiders, snakes, and other reptiles.
Which breed of dog is best as an Emotional Support Dog?
Any breed of dog can be your Emotional Support Dog.
How do I train an Emotional Support Dog?
While Emotional Support Dogs do not legally need special training, it is important that they remain calm, well-mannered, and orderly.
Do I need an Emotional Support Dog vest?
Purchasing a vest is not necessary to identify your ESA dog
What is an Emotional Support Dog?
An Emotional Support Dog helps the owner with a variety of mental health and emotional disorders. A therapist or mental health professional analyzes the patient’s condition. If necessary, he prescribes the use of an Emotional Support Dog, Cat or other Animal as a therapeutic method of improving many different mental health conditions.
Can cats be Emotional Support Animals?
Yes, any therapeutically assisted animal can be considered an Emotional Support Animal.
Do you Qualify for an Emotional Support Animal Letter
The fact that support animals provide therapeutic benefits is well documented, and using one to improve your emotional and mental wellbeing can be a very real alternative.
If you feel that your pet plays an important role in how you manage your day-today life, you might qualify for an emotional support animal (ESA) letter. This is because ESAs are known to alleviate symptoms of various mental health disorders.
Esa Certificate.org believes in the right to live and travel with your animal.
We believe that people can feel better in the presence of their animals, and should not be forced to pay extra fees, or told they can not live somewhere based on their animal. Nobody should have to choose between a housing situation or living with their pet. Esa Certificate.org wants you to be happier, and we believe the presence of your animal can help.