Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Will my responses to the ESA Questionnaire be treated confidentially?
Yes, your questionnaire will be kept confidential and your responses will only be shared with your licensed mental healthcare professional. LMHP’s are legally obligated to keep your information private. We take care to make sure your responses and personal health information remains safe. We also never sell your information to third parties.
How long will it take to process my payment?
Your payment will be processed immediately at the time you submit your order.
How is the refund policy practiced?
We have a strict cancellation policy to ensure the licensed healthcare professionals we work with are effectively allocating their support to those who need their help. Once your order is placed, there is a $39 cancellation fee if a refund is requested within 24 hours. After 24 hours, or once you have signed the LMHP’s consent form, even if you are within the 24-hour window, your order is non-refundable and final. If an exception is made at our sole discretion outside this window for extenuating circumstances, a $55 cancellation fee will apply.
All PRIORITY Digital Delivery orders are non-refundable, as these orders are processed immediately and given priority attention by your LMHP. Once your order is placed, an LMHP will reach out to you with a consent form. If you opted for PRIORITY Digital Delivery service, it is your responsibility to reply to your LMHP with your consent within 24 hours. Once your LMHP has received your consent form and if they recommend an ESA, you will receive a digital copy of your letter shortly thereafter and typically within 1-2 business days. If an exception is made at our sole discretion for extenuating circumstances and your priority order is canceled, the PRIORITY delivery fee will be forfeited and a $39 cancellation fee will be applied. If you do not provide your LMHP with your consent forms within 24 hours, you will not be issued a refund for the expedited delivery fee under any circumstance.
If you are unsure about your order please reach out to us first with any questions before placing an order.
How much does it cost to train an emotional support dog?
As much as it costs to train any dog in your area; emotional support dogs have no special training other than to behave
Will I be able to update my plan to include housing and/or travel options?
If your request to upgrade a travel or housing plan to a combo plan is made within 60 days of your initial order, we will do our best to accommodate your request. Requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and changes are not always possible.
What is your delivery policy? What should I do if I happen to lose or damage my original letter? Will I be able to get a new one?
Your ESA letter will be delivered in digital format. If you would like to request a letter with the LMHP’s signature in ink, we can process this as an “optional document”. Please email us at to process this request. Shipping is only available to clients within the US. If you are outside the US and opted in for shipping, please contact the support team for a refund of the shipping fee.
How does the annual renewal subscription work? Do I have to make a new letter next year? Can I cancel my subscription?
Under the U.S. Department of Transportation’s rules, airlines can demand that ESA documentation be dated within at least a year – and they often do. Landlords will also often require that very dated ESA letters be updated. For these reasons, it is recommended that ESA owners renew annually so their licensed mental health professional can re-evaluate their need for an ESA and reissue an updated letter.
Combo Plan clients are eligible for a discounted renewal. The discounted renewal rate for 2020 is $99. Please note however that if you change your state of residency, you will no longer be eligible for the discounted renewal rate for your Combo Plan letter. A healthcare professional licensed in your new State will re-evaluate you for your updated ESA letter.
You can cancel your annual renewal subscription anytime before your renewal date and before you complete a renewal questionnaire. To cancel your annual renewal subscription, simply email us at with the subject: “Cancel Renewal” and let us know that you would like to cancel.
Do I need a certificate from a mental health professional?
By law, a landlord has the right to require a letter from a licensed mental health professional stating your diagnosis and need for an animal for emotional support related to that diagnosis. However, they do not have the right to require proof of special training.
How can I get a money-back guarantee?
Our 100% money-back guarantee applies only if your licensed mental health professional determines that you do not qualify for an ESA letter.
My airline or landlord is asking me to fill out a separate document. Do you help in such situations?
Yes. We offer Extra Document Service to those who are approved for an ESA letter through an LMHP working with When you are checking out, you can opt-in for the “optional document service”. Once you have submitted your order, please reply to the confirmation email with your extra document. When we send your questionnaire to your therapist, we will send the extra document as well so that your LMHP may review both at the same time.
What does ESA Shield mean? In what cases might I need it?
ESA Shield is an optional add-on service that gives you unlimited, priority email support from our best ESA experts with years of experience to help you deal with difficult landlords and airline employees, along with a 100% fee refund guarantee.
The airline/landlord requires specific wording in the letter. Can you amend my ESA letter to reflect this?
The LMHPs we work with craft their letters in order to meet relevant ESA rules. Some airlines and landlords may request additional information be included in the letter. These requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. If you have a request for specific language in your letter, we would be happy to share the request to your LMHP. It is at their discretion to make any adjustments to the language of your letter.

How legitimate is in fact?
Yes, We have been a leading provider of legitimate online ESA services since 2015.
Where can I find testimonials from real customers on
We believe seeking help for a mental illness or emotional disability is an extremely personal decision and private. We do not believe in pushing clients to share their experiences by writing reviews.
How can I contact you? What is the phone number I can call?
You can reach out to our support team via email at
We have found that email based customer support allows us to our fees reasonable. We have not raised our fees in 5 years and work hard to keep our overhead costs low.
In addition, the licensed professional you are connected to will provide you with their contact information and you will be able to reach out to them directly.
How long does the ESA letter last?
It depends on what the ESA letter is used for. ESA letters are usually used for travel and housing. For housing purposes, the letter entitles you and your ESA to housing, and it is valid for as long as there is a lease or ownership. Once your landlord sees and confirms it, you are covered under the federal Fair Housing Act.
Can be a doctor’s office? Do you have doctors working for you? is a company that utilizes technology to help connect clients with licensed health care professionals who, when they deem it to be appropriate and necessary for the client in their independent judgment, can issue an ESA letter. is not a medical clinic or health care provider and is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any health care profession.

Who could I contact for help with my ESA letter?
Every condition, and every individual’s symptoms are different. Always talk to your mental healthcare provider first regarding the potential benefits of an emotional support animal. If you do not have a mental health care provider, consider asking your primary care physician for a recommendation or look for licensed reputable providers that work online.
I’ve heard that emotional support animals can be scams. Could online ESA companies be scamming with their clients?
No, Emotional Support Animals are not a scam. Because ESAs are not service animals there can sometimes be skepticism around their use and necessity. There is a great deal of misinformation online about Emotional Support Animals and their owners. Many people do not realize that there are regulations for ESAs in the United States and that these animals help alleviate the symptoms of legitimate, diagnosed medical conditions.
If you need assistance locating a reputable physician or healthcare provider to talk through your need for an emotional support animal there are many great resources online. works to connect you with a healthcare professional licensed in your state to discuss your symptoms, diagnosis, and the potential benefits of emotional support animals.
Is an emotional support animal (ESA) required to wear any identification clothing or harness?
Federal law does not require service dogs or emotional support animals to wear any clothing or harnesses. However, we strongly recommend that they do, as harnesses, leashes, patches and identification items reduce the amount of hassle and unnecessary explanations when in public places. We have seen that these items save a lot of time and frustration for people. We also recommend that you carry a prescription letter from your therapist.
Which animals can become emotional support animals?
The most common emotional support animals are dogs and cats. However, people may use a wide variety of animals to serve as their ESA. Under federal Fair Housing rules, an ESA can be a dog, cat, small bird, rabbit, hamster, gerbil, other rodents, fish, turtle, or other small, domesticated animal that is traditionally kept in the home for pleasure rather than for commercial purposes. Airlines are required to accommodate dogs, cats, and miniature horses, and can deny boarding for “unusual” animals such as ferrets, rodents, spiders, snakes, and other reptiles.
Are certain breeds the best animals for emotional support?
While any breed can be an emotional support animal, some breeds may be more suited for specific tasks. For example, if someone needs an emotional support animal mainly to stimulate physical movement, an energetic breed such as a Border Collie would be best. However, if you need a calm dog to cuddle with, a toe poodle might be a better option.
Can I be in a public place, such as a restaurant, hotel, or any store with my emotional support animal?
No, unlike service animals for disabled individuals, emotional support animals do not have any legal rights or exceptions to be admitted into grocery stores, restaurants, or even hotels that prohibit animals. ESA owners have the legal right to be accompanied by their animal companion in their home and on flights pursuant to the Fair Housing Act and Air Carrier Access Act. However it’s important to note that some establishments, while not required to do so, may allow your emotional support animal on premises as a courtesy.
Do I really need to provide a paper copy of the ESA letter at the request of my landlord or airline?
No, a printed ESA letter is not required, however we always recommend traveling with a copy if possible The licensed professionals that work with will provide a digital copy of your ESA letter if you qualify, which you can then use immediately and keep on your phone for quick reference when traveling.
Can emotional support animals visit any place?
ESAs have the right of access to most places. If you have the appropriate ESA letter, federal law (including the Fair Housing Act) allows your ESA to live with you in your home, regardless of your landlord’s rules about pets, and to travel with you in the cabin if your airline allows it. In addition, laws prohibit discrimination against employees and students with disabilities, which applies to your companion when you are at work or school.
However, the law does not apply to private establishments, so if restaurants, hotels, or businesses expressly prohibit the use of your ESA, you may not visit such establishments with it.
Is it possible that a landlord could take a deposit or fee for a pet of mine for emotional support?
No. Landlords are not permitted to charge additional fees, surcharges or deposits in connection with ESAs. Under Federal Housing Act rules, ESAs are not pets and pet deposits do not apply to them. However, if your ESA causes damage to the property, the landlord can charge you for the damage and deduct expenses from any general security deposit you may have paid.
Where in the law can I learn about protecting emotionally supportive animals?
Emotional support animals have rights under the Fair Housing Act and the Air Carrier Access Act. The U.S. Department of Housing creates guidelines with respect to ESAs in housing, and the U.S. Department of Transportation creates guidelines with respect to ESAs and air travel. These rules protect people suffering from mental or emotional disabilities who have emotional support animals from discrimination. There are also various state laws that protect emotional support animals.
I would like to qualify for an animal for emotional support. What is the best way for me to do this?
First, a licensed healthcare provider must diagnose you with a condition that warrants the benefit of an emotional support animal. Then, that healthcare provider or licensed mental health professional (LMHP) must also write a letter to recommend the use of an emotional support animal. Under federal law, this letter is all you need to qualify your animal companion as an emotional support animal.
Can I get a certificate for more than one emotional support animal or just one?
Yes, it’s not unusual for a person to obtain a letter recommending more than one emotional support animal be carried. However, your qualifying letter must explicitly state the recommendation of two animals. Additionally you should be aware that airlines are permitted to limit ESAs to one per passenger. Always contact your air carrier to confirm its policy before bringing your animal(s) to the airport.
What kinds of animals are called emotional support animals (“ESA”)?
An emotional support animal (ESA) is an animal that provides much-needed comfort to its human companion simply by being by their side. Emotional support animals are proven to alleviate the symptoms of mental and emotional conditions such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and phobias such as a fear of flying. It is important to note that emotional support animals are not “service animals” under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as they have not been trained to perform certain jobs or tasks. Depending on where you live, you may have legal protection for the presence of your emotional support animal when buying or renting a home, traveling by train or airplane, and when staying in hotels.
Does disability make me eligible for an ESA letter?
Your healthcare provider ultimately determines this, but generally speaking conditions such as anxiety, depression, phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may benefit from the use of an emotional support animal.
For purposes of Fair Housing rules, a disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
For purposes of the Air Carrier Access Act, the mental or emotional disability should be one that is recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
Can I have more than one ESA?
Yes, you can. There are no hard and fast limits on the number of emotional support animals you can have at one time, you just need to make sure that you are not violating any state or municipal regulations. In addition, each ESA must be certified by your health care provider as being necessary for your well-being.
You must also obtain individual ESA letters for each of your companion animals and renew them on a due date, every year.
What kind of documentation is needed for my emotional support animal?
No. The only documentation needed to qualify your animal as an emotional support animal is a signed letter from your licensed healthcare provider. It is acceptable and common for airlines and landlords to request copies of this letter. However, these entities cannot request any other, additional, certificates or registrations in order to accept the presence of your animal for emotional support. It is important to note that registries you may find online, vests for your animal to wear, and costly certificates are not necessary and do not take the place of a signed letter from your healthcare provider.
What is the expiration date of the ESA letter?
An ESA letter for air travel expires after one year. For housing purposes, ESA letters technically do not have an expiration date under Fair Housing rules. However, some landlords will demand a more recently dated letter. Therefore we recommend renewing your ESA letter annually so you don’t run into any issues with travel or housing.
Do emotional support animals have the same rights as a service animal?
No. Service animals are training to assist people living with a disability in specific tasks. For example seeing eye dogs for people living with blindness.
Unlike Emotional Support Animals, service animals have legal rights under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). For example, service animals are generally allowed to go wherever members of the public are allowed (bars, restaurants, stores, etc.). Emotional support animals only have rights related to housing and on airplanes.
Which doctors can write an ESA letter? Can it be my therapist, for example?
An ESA letter must be written by a licensed healthcare professional or licensed mental health professional (LMHP), these individuals are not necessarily medical doctors. Letters may be signed by psychiatrists, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, clinical social workers, licensed counselors and other licensed professionals.
An ESA letter is not a “prescription”, it is a recommendation.
Do an ESA letter from an online therapist and an ESA letter from a therapist you have seen in person have the same status and rights?
Absolutely. Especially in a COVID and post-COVID environment, more and more therapists are working remotely and offering services online. In order to qualify your emotional support animal, your mental health professional must be licensed and familiar with your mental health history – they do not have to be seen in person.
Is there a limit on the size of the emotional support animal?
Currently, there are no size restrictions or limits on ESAs. The real ESA is that it provides you with therapeutic support for your mental or emotional disability, and it is not based on weight, height, breed, or anything else. However, the only restrictions you may encounter will be on size, especially with specific airlines that have size restrictions.
To avoid any mishaps or collisions while traveling, make sure you contact the airline before booking to see if they have any restrictions on pets and ESA.
Do I need to adopt an emotional support animal first, or can I do so only after receiving the ESA letter?
Your current pet can easily qualify as an emotional support animal. However it is also okay to adopt an animal after learning that an emotional support animal is recommended by your mental health provider. Your ESA letter is specific to you and your medical needs, and is not specific to the animal. You can adopt after received a recommendation letter.
Is there a weight limit for emotional support animals?
An animal of any size or weight can be used as an ESA. Keep in mind, however, that there may be certain limitations that particularly large emotional support animals may face.
What information will the ESA letter contain? How much detail can the ESA letter reveal about my condition?
A valid ESA recommendation letter will contain the licensed mental health professional’s contact and license information, which can be verified.
An ESA letter will clearly state that you have a disability for purposes of the Fair Housing Act or Air Carrier Access Act. Qualifying disabilities include: severe depression, anxiety, phobia or post-traumatic stress disorder. The ESA letter will recommend an ESA to help alleviate symptoms of your mental or emotional disability. It is important to note that neither landlords nor airlines are permitted to demand the details of your specific diagnosis or the severity of your condition. They are also prohibited from requested additional medical records or asking for additional medical exams to confirm your condition.
My dog is very large. Do emotional support animals have size restrictions?
No. When it comes to service dogs and ESAs, there is no discrimination based on size. ESAs come in all shapes and sizes, and airlines are required to allow an ESA dog to accompany you to your seat, regardless of size. It is important to note that there is no size restriction for service dogs.
How do I train an emotional support dog?
While emotional support dogs do not legally need special training, it is important that they remain calm, well-mannered, and orderly.
What kinds of pets are considered emotional support animals?
The most common emotional support animals are dogs. However, any animal can be recognized as an ESA if it is well-mannered and trained enough to stay out of the way in public places and not to spoil your home. Other common ESA animals include cats, miniature horses, birds, rats, miniature pigs, and hedgehogs.

How do I request to have my ESA join me on a flight?
You should always contact the airline you are flying with at least 48 hours in advance to let them know you are requesting accommodation for your emotional support animal. We recommend reaching out to your airline as soon as you book your ticket. The airline may also have you complete additional forms that require the input of your healthcare provider or veterinarian.
Do I need to pay a fee for my emotional support animal to fly with me?
How many ESAs can I bring aboard a flight?
Most airlines will limit emotional support animals to one per passenger.
Can I take my emotional support animal with me on the plane?
Pursuant to the Air Carrier Access Act and guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation, passengers with valid emotional support animals can travel with their ESA on flights inside the cabin free of charge. Each airline will have its own specific requirements and policies regarding emotional support animals. It’s also important to note that rules issued by the DOT regarding emotional support animals are constantly evolving. That is why it’s important to check with the airline you are flying on to see what their specific policy is regarding your specific emotional support animal.
Does my emotional support animal have to be in a carrier during the flight? Can my ESA sit on the floor during the flight?
Generally, ESAs are allowed to sit on the floor or, if they are small, in your lap. However, airlines are allowed to impose reasonable and appropriate restrictions to control the movement of ESAs during the flight. These restrictions may include keeping your animal inside a carrier, having the animal stay at your feet, or requiring the animal be on a leash.
Can the airline ask WHY I have an emotional support animal?
The airlines can only ask for a copy of your prescription, any other information is none of their business!
Can my airline disallow my dog because it is a certain breed, like a pitbull?
Airlines are not allowed to deny an emotional support animal solely because it is a certain breed. However, airlines do have the right to reject an ESA if they determine the ESA could pose a direct threat to the health or safety of airline staff and other passengers.
What type of animals are allowed to fly in the cabin as emotional support animals?
Airlines are required to accommodate ESAs that are dogs, cats or even miniature horses. Under the DOT’s guidelines, airlines are allowed to reject “unusual” animals, which include snakes, other reptiles, rodents, spiders and ferrets.
Can emotional support animals board long flights?
Under the DOT’s rules, airlines are not allowed to categorically restrict ESAs on flights that are scheduled to last 8 or more hours. However, some airlines will not allow ESAs to board long flights out of fear that the animal will defecate on the plane.
How do I present the ESA letter to my landlord or airline?
We send copies of the ESA letter both digitally and by mail.
For landlords, we strongly recommend that you present the letter in person right away. Almost all landlords are very accommodating.
Can an airline reject an emotional support animal because it is too heavy?
Under the DOT’s rules, airlines are not allowed to impose categorical weight restrictions. However, airlines are allowed to determine if the animal is too large to be accommodated in the cabin.
Can my emotional support animal board international flights?
The ACAA’s rules regarding accommodation of disabled passengers with ESAs applies to all flights of U.S. airlines, and to flights to or from the United States by foreign airlines. You should be aware however that other countries may have their own rules regarding emotional support animals and the entry of animals through customs. You should research your departure and destination countries in advance to make sure you will not have any issues with your emotional support animal on the flight and while going through customs.
My airline is requiring an additional form to be completed by my therapist, is that allowed and can you help me?
Technically airlines are not supposed to request additional forms be submitted to allow your animal to fly in the cabin with you. However, many airlines do require additional paperwork. If you were approved for an ESA letter by one of the licensed healthcare professionals we work with, we can process your airline form request under our extra document service for an additional fee.
I read that ESAs will longer be allowed on flights, is that true?
In January of 2020, the DOT proposed rules that could allow airlines to disallow ESAs from boarding flights. However, these were proposed rules that were submitted for public comment. These proposed rules have not been finalized nor has any rule change taken effect.
Can I just pay the extra document fee instead of paying for both the ESA letter and completion of the airline form?
No, any airline forms must be completed by a licensed professional who has evaluated you and recommended an emotional support animal.

Does my landlord have the right to charge a fee to process my application for an emotional support animal?
If I move to another state, will my ESA letter, which was given to me by a therapist in the previous state, work with a homeowner in another state?
There is no requirement under Fair Housing rules that an ESA letter be issued in the same state where the tenant is requesting accommodation from their landlord.
I had already paid a separate service fee for the animal, and a little later it was recognized as an emotional support animal. In that case, can I be entitled to a refund?
Possibly. In situations where a tenant’s pet later qualifies as an emotional support animal, and they had previously paid a pet deposit a refund would be in order. However, if you’re paying a monthly fee or extra fee on your rent for the pet – you would not be due back charges from when your ESA was classified as a pet.
What can I do if my landlord denies my request for ESA?
It’s not uncommon for landlords to initially reject an ESA request. Some landlords are simply unaware of what Fair Housing rules regarding ESAs actually require. Other landlords will sometimes confuse emotional support animals with service dogs. The Department of Housing’s guidance states that landlords should engage in a good-faith interactive process with tenants to resolve ESA issues. It may be helpful for you to point out the relevant housing rules to your landlord if they are denying your ESA without merit. Many times landlords are simply just unaware of their obligations under Fair Housing rules and will acquiesce once they are confronted with the facts. If your landlord refuses to cooperate you can also file a complaint with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. However this should be used as a very last resort.
When can a landlord deny the option to have an emotional support animal live with me?
Landlords only have the ability to reject your request to live with an emotional support animal under very limited circumstances. Your landlord can reject an emotional support animal if they determine that the animal would pose a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals or would result in substantial physical damage to the property of others.
A housing provider may also reject an emotional support animal if the accommodation would cause an “undue financial and administrative burden” on the housing provider’s operations.
I had already posted a pet deposit, but later became eligible for an ESA. Should I request a refund?
If the renter paid the pet deposit and then received a written recommendation from a doctor. In that case, they would be allowed to refund the deposit because their companion animal is no longer considered a pet under Fair Housing regulations.
Is the ESA letter valid in Canada? Can I use it for a landlord in Canada?
Canada does not have the same laws regarding emotional support animals as the United States does. You can certainly provide your ESA letter to your landlord in Canada and request accommodation as a courtesy.
My landlord requires ID, certification, registration in addition to the ESA letter. Is this legal on his part? What can I do in such a situation?
The only way to qualify an ESA is by possessing an ESA letter from a licensed healthcare professional. Landlords cannot request certificates, registrations or ID cards as a condition to accommodate an emotional support animal. These items are often paid for online and do not lend additional legal merit or credibility to your request.
Can a landlord demand additional payment if my emotional support animal accidentally caused damage to his property?
Yes. ESA owners are always responsible for the actions of their emotional support animals. Your landlord is permitted by law to charge you for any damaged caused by your ESA. Landlords can also deduct costs for any ESA-caused damages from a general security deposit they may have collected at the start of your lease term.
Can I take my emotional support animal to public places in my building, such as the recreation room or the pool?
ESAs are allowed “in all areas of the premises where persons are normally allowed to go, unless doing so would impose an undue financial and administrative burden or would fundamentally alter the nature of the housing provider’s services.”
Are Fair Housing’s rules for emotional support animals in effect for condominium homeowners association (HOA) and co-ops?
Yes, HOAs and co-ops are subject to Fair Housing requirements and must also reasonably accommodate valid ESAs.
Can my emotional support animal live with me if the landlord lives in my building?
Maybe. The Fair Housing act applies to most types of housing. There are however some exceptions. The following types of housing do not have to comply with the Fair Housing Act’s rules regarding emotional support animals: 1. owner-occupied buildings with no more than four units, 2. single-family houses sold or rented by the owner without the use of an agent, 3. housing operated by religious organizations, and 4. private clubs that limit occupancy to members.
Note that although certain landlords are not legally obligated to accommodate emotional support animals, some will do so anyway as a courtesy.
Is it a violation of my privacy rights if my landlord wants to contact my therapist?
Yes. Under Fair Housing rules, landlords are not permitted to request detailed information about a tenant’s condition. They cannot request medical records or insist on a medical examination.
How long can a landlord respond to my ESA request?
Landlords must reply to ESA requests “promptly”, and within 10 days of receiving the tenant’s request for accommodation.
Do I need to get my landlord’s approval before putting my emotional support animal in the house?
We recommend clearing your emotional support animal with your housing provider prior to bringing your ESA home, particularly if you live in a building that does not allow pets. Submit your ESA letter to your landlord as soon as it becomes available to you.
The landlord replied to me that he only needed a letter about the emotional support animal that I got from the doctor in person. Is this really the case?
No. Letters must be written by licensed mental health providers, many of which are not physicians. Additionally, there is no legal requirement that you see your therapist or provider “in person.”
Are there weight limits for dogs as an emotional support animal in buildings under residential rules from homeowners, co-ops or HOAs?
Under Fair Housing rules categorical breed restrictions are not allowed.
Can my emotional support animal be with me in university housing?
University housing such as dorms and university sponsored apartments are subject to Fair Housing rules and its provisions regarding emotional support animals. However, universities are known to be more stringent about ESA accommodation than typical landlords.
Can a landlord, co-op or HOA refuse to allow my emotional support animal of a certain breed to live with me?
Under Fair Housing rules categorical breed restrictions are not allowed. However, the housing provider can deny an ESA if they have reason to believe the ESA in question poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others or has caused property damage.
What is the best way for me to inform my landlord that I will be living with an emotionally supportive animal?
You can request accommodation for your ESA verbally or in writing. Inform the landlord that you are “seeking reasonable accommodation for an emotional support animal pursuant to Fair Housing rules.” We recommend submitting the request in writing so you have a record of how on what date your request was made.
Can my landlord act hostile to my emotional support animal? Where can I appeal this situation?
Be sure to keep records of the conversations and written communications exchanged between yourself and your landlord. If absolutely necessary you can file a complaint against your landlord with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Do I need to be at home all the time all day with my emotional support animal ?