
Cats as Emotional Support Animals

Jun 12, 2021 | Cats, Emotional Support Animals

When people think of cats, they have some doubts about how friendly they can be. Cats are often thought of as territorial and wanting to mind their own business. But if you pet a cat, you’ll find that they make the perfect companion animal for your emotional support.

Cats are known for their unconditional love, even if at first they behave somewhat aloof. By building a relationship with your cat, you and your pet establish a mutual relationship of trust. It’s a wonderful unconditional relationship that affects the cat when you’re not around, because the cat definitely misses your presence.


Cats give you a sense of responsibility because you have to take the time to make sure the cat is well. Having a cat as a responsibility tends to lose the focus of your anxiety and/or depression, and that is something you should welcome. Just knowing that your cat is waiting for you to come home should improve your mood.

Cats are spontaneous creatures and don’t stick to a routine. Cats tend to wander around, play with strange things, and generally show curiosity about certain objects. You can count on your cat to entertain you whenever you need a distraction from the rigors of your disability.


Cats can help you mend social relationships that may have deteriorated as a result of your anxiety or depression. Cats can serve as an icebreaker because they can be stroked and cuddled. Sometimes a cat wants to be the center of attention, so prepare to have a new king or queen in the house.

Physical contact is always a good way to get friendly and loving vibes. Cats are no different in this sense: they love to snuggle up to you and will probably make you a nice chair for them to rest in.


All in all, cats are great pets if you suffer from symptoms of anxiety and depression. Cats are beautiful creatures, and even if they are not considered man’s best friend, they are certainly wonderful animals to have and will always show you love.

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