
How to improve mental health with Emotional Support Animals

Jun 28, 2022 | Cats, Dogs, Emotional Support Animals, Mental Health

Animals help reduce stress and anxiety. In many homes, they play an important role in combating loneliness. For example, dogs can promote cardiovascular health. And they can also maintain a social atmosphere during walks with them.

Emotional Support Animals can have a tremendous impact on a person’s mental health from their early years until old age.



They are excellent listeners



Our pets are always there for us. We often get the impression that they know when we are feeling bad or upset. Perhaps that’s why most people who have pets trust them regularly.



They can help reduce the effects of depression and loneliness



Emotional Support Animals Animals are a great source of comfort, companionship and motivation. They often help lead mentally healthier lives without even realizing it. For example, regular exercise while walking your dog can be helpful for people suffering from depression.

Pets also offer company and someone to share the day with. This can be incredibly valuable for people who experience loneliness. This is especially true at a more mature age.


They can help with anxiety


Petting and playing with an Emotional Support Pet lowers stress-related hormone levels. Playing with your pet increases serotonin and dopamine levels.

These hormones are great for calming and relaxing the nervous system. While interacting with our pets, the process of stimulation and release of “happiness hormones” occurs.



They can help children with autism



Emotional Support Animals help children with autism improve social functions, reduce isolation and increase independence.

Similarly, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can benefit from keeping a pet. By taking on the responsibilities of feeding, walking, and bathing, they can learn to plan and take responsibility. The physical exercise provided by playing with a pet also helps release excess energy and helps children feel calmer at night.



They help people in old age



Emotional Support Animals are great companions, especially for patients with dementia. Therapy with dogs improves mood, psychosocial functioning and quality of life for people with dementia.

Many nursing homes have pets or animals visit them regularly as part of their leisure time. Not only do they create a more peaceful, homelike environment for residents, but they also help reduce anxiety in people with Alzheimer’s disease.


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