
The Most Popular Types of Emotional Support Animals

May 15, 2021 | Cats, Dogs, Emotional Support Animals, Mental Health

An emotional animal can be any animal that can help alleviate the symptoms of a person’s emotional problems. They give the person a sense of security and comfort. There are no specific restrictions on choosing an emotional support animal. Let’s take a look at which animals are most often chosen as ESAs.


Emotional Support Dogs

The most common emotional support animals are dogs. They are able to understand humans much better than other animals. They can provide companionship and mental stability to their owners. Most dog breeds always radiate cheerfulness and happiness. Dogs are much easier to train than other animals and can quickly learn various tricks to help their owners in everyday life. They keep humans active and are in dire need of constant walks. Dogs are an excellent choice as an ESA, they are effective at dealing with social isolation and helping to overcome stress.


Emotional Support Cats

Cats are excellent human neighbors. They are very good at reading body language and treat humans as companions. Cats give humans freedom and personal space. However, they will easily cuddle a human, especially if they feel they are in dire need of it.
House cats are ideal animals to use as ESAs. They have a wonderful temperament and friendly demeanor to their owners. They can feel great in any size apartment and do not require undue attention.
Cats can do a lot for a person’s emotional well-being, especially if socialized on a regular basis. They can also alleviate mental symptoms and help cope with difficult emotional situations.


Hamster for emotional support

Many people keep hamsters as emotional support animals. They are very friendly, small in size, easy to handle, and help with anxiety and depression.
Many people don’t want to get large emotional support pets. In this case, hamsters are an almost perfect option as an ESA.
These little animals are cute and adorable furry balls of fur. They can easily take the stress out of caring, feeding and petting hamsters in your hands.
A hamster would be an ideal choice as a calm and relaxing emotional support animal. They are not often active and can, for example, easily fall asleep with humans curled up. They do not require much care and do not take up much space.
Hamsters often clean up after themselves, so they can be independent and do not need much constant care. This makes them ideal for those who don’t have much experience taking care of pets.


Birds for emotional support

Any bird can serve as an ESA. These feathered friends can be a great source of support for mental and emotional problems. They will not require any additional certification or training. Only a letter from a mental health professional is needed.
Birds are great emotional support animals. They are easy to interact with and quite fun to be around, especially when they are learning different tricks.
For example, parrots are great at reproducing speech and can be a communication partner for humans. They respond to different words and say what they have been taught. Birds are also handy for people who don’t want to constantly clean up after their pet or walk it.
Establishing a bond with a bird is a great way to channel one’s energy and time when dealing with anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder or other mental health issues.


Rabbits for emotional support

Rabbits have many traits and characteristics that can make them ideal pets for providing mental and emotional support to those who care for them.
An ESA rabbit can give humans the companionship they need. He can easily capture human emotions and provide comfort, love and emotional stability.
Rabbits come in sizes from dwarf to giant and one can simply choose the right breed for everyone. These beautiful animals radiate comfort and warmth. This makes it easy for anyone who loves rabbits to also feel warm and fluffy inside.
If a rabbit feels comfortable around humans, its round body with lots of soft fur makes a great friend for therapeutic hugs and petting.




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