
How Do I Get An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Certification Online?

Jan 19, 2021 | Dogs, Emotional Support Animals

Getting a legally qualified Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is easy these days with proficient online services but one must know the right process to get it done. Most people assume that getting a certificate is enough for their pet to certify officially as an ESA. However, a certification does not guarantee that your pet can become an ESA legally! So how does one go about getting legal status for their ESAs? The sure-shot way to ensure that your pet qualifies as an emotional support animal is to procure an ESA letter from a licensed health care professional who offers services remotely.



Is a “Certification” Enough to be Eligible for an ESA?

Many people confuse online ESA certificates with ESA letters. Of course, if you have found the right way to do it, you can become eligible for ESA legally with the help of a licensed professional through their online services. An ESA letter is the necessary documentation that you need to prove your pet animal is an ESA, under the Fair Housing rules and the Air Carrier Access Act.

When people learn that merely getting a certificate is not enough to legally qualify for an emotional support animal, they are most often left disappointed. This is because they expect that involving the help of licensed health care professionals could be a costly affair. Scheduling an in-person meeting with a professional could not only prove to be expensive but also tough for people having office or family commitments. The good news is, getting an ESA letter from an online professional is as effective and valid as meeting one in person.

Today, when people are increasingly using their phones to date new people, call out for taxis, or order food at the click of a button, it is very easy to reach out to health professionals and therapists efficiently. With ESA Certificate, a modern technology solution, you will find a licensed health care professional who is knowledgeable about ESAs, and can get your job done!


Easy-to-use Online Process

With the help of the internet, people today are able to seek online help for their mental and emotional health problems. With cost-effective technology solutions built for easy use by the common man, one can find licensed professionals who are available round-the-clock for all your needs. The first step is to recognize the need for help, and then one needs to be internally strong to search for that help online.

Of course, the whole process of searching for an effective health care provider for yourself can be quite overwhelming. This is because once you have found an appropriate professional online, you may need to think about the costs involved in seeing them in person or how to go about scheduling these visits. Many people are quite hesitant, fearful even to make a visit to a therapist. Hence, they would want to explore the option of having an ESA online from the convenience and privacy of their house.
The way forward would be to obtain an ESA letter from an online professional, which would be as valid as a letter obtained from a professional in person.

In fact, the U.S. Department of Housing has mentioned that individuals in housing accommodations can get their ESA-related services through licensed professionals offering services remotely, even on the internet.


Will it Suffice to Obtain an ESA Letter From My Existing Doctor or Therapist?

You may ask, ‘Can I obtain an ESA Letter from my current doctor or therapist’? Absolutely yes! You can get your ESA letter from any licensed healthcare professional, and that includes service providers like doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, nurse practitioners, counselors, physicians and their assistants, and even social workers. Whoever it is that you are currently seeing for your mental well-being, it is advisable to first discuss your potential need for an ESA with them.

However, if you are not having an existing relationship with a licensed healthcare professional, and are struggling to find a reliable one, then ESA Certificate can come to your rescue. We will help you find someone who has good knowledge about ESAs and is licensed to operate in your State of residence.



Legal Benefits of an ESA Letter

Once you have an ESA letter, you have all the required documentation to apply for living premises for your animal companion in the housing or airline. An ESA letter gives your ESA the following legal rights:

  • Your Emotional Support Animal (ESA) should be allowed to reside even if the building has a “no pets” policy. The landlord has no right to place breed or size restrictions for an ESA whatsoever. In addition, you cannot be charged fees or additional deposits for the ESA by the landlords.
  • While traveling by air, your ESA will be permitted to fly along with you in the aircraft cabin. Airlines can’t impose pet fees for your ESA, and also cannot put restrictions with regard to the breed of the ESAs. However, they can put limitations on certain animals they consider either dangerous or too big to be accommodated in the cabin.



Should I Register My ESA?

It is not mandatory by law to register your ESA. Moreover, ESA registrations do not guarantee that you have a qualified ESA under federal laws. Only ESA letters that are written by licensed health care professionals are recognized as proper supporting documentation for emotional support animals. Once you have an ESA letter, you have all the legal rights despite not having registered your ESA. If your landlord insists on seeing the registration number to check if the animal is on a registry, then you must inform him about the ESA letter’s validity. You should bring it to their notice that registration, IDs and certificates are not required for ESAs.



Can I Check Online to See If I’m Eligible for an ESA?

For people suffering from mental and emotional distress, an Emotional Support Animal can prove to be that much-needed support they are looking for in dire times. We work with licensed health care professionals who can check to see if an ESA can be of help to you and if you qualify for an ESA letter. All this can be done over the internet, and you do not have to make any in-person visits too. Our secure online platform provides a simple and confidential way for you to get in touch with a licensed healthcare professional and discuss your need for an emotional support animal. So, come and get started on the process for your ESA requirements with just a few clicks!



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